Canine Parvovirus One-Step Test Kit
Canine Parvovirus One-Step Test Kit
The Breeders Cupboard

Canine Parvovirus One-Step Test Kit

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Parvo is a potentially deadly and very contagious disease

Lethargic Puppies with diarrhea and vomiting should be quarantined and tested immediately. Treat with antibiotics and IV or oral fluids. They can be saved. WITH IMMEDIATE VETERINARY CARE

I brought these in so you can quickly test for peace of mind. Though sick puppies can get much sicker very quickly. 



Results in just a few minutes. The test cassettes are sealed in foil pouches and can be stored for over a year at room temperature.

Signs Of Parvo

The most common clinical signs of canine parvovirus (CPV) are acute vomiting and diarrhea, often severe. Diarrhea may or may not be bloody. Affected dogs are typically lethargic and can quickly become dehydrated.

Puppies under five months and dogs who have never been vaccinated are at the greatest risk for infection.

CPV is diagnosed by evaluating the animal's clinical signs in conjunction with diagnostic tests. Not all cases of bloody diarrhea and vomiting are caused by CPV, so a definitive diagnosis should be sought to help guide treatment

The fecal CPV ELISA antigen tests utilize a fecal swab to detect CPV antigen, provide quick results (usually within 10-15 minutes), and are very easy to perform

Positive results are a reliable indicator of infection when associated with consistent clinical signs. Negative results may occur even when the dog is infected if the level of virus in the sample is low -- this can be seen early in the course of the disease and/or when clinical signs are mild.

The ELISA should be completed on any dog displaying clinical signs consistent with CPV infection but should not be used in healthy-appearing animals. Recent vaccination (within 7 days) with a modified-live virus parvovirus vaccine can occasionally result in false positive ELISA test results.

Quick, Reliable Parvo Detection

Breathe a sigh of relief as our At Home Parvo Test Kit allows you to swiftly detect the presence of Parvovirus. No more anxious waits at the vet's office. The kit has been meticulously designed to provide fast and reliable results, which can be critical when dealing with this potentially deadly virus. The accuracy of our kit has been extensively validated, ensuring you the peace of mind you deserve. 99% accuracy

How to Use the Home Parvo Test Kit

Before you begin Ensure you're in a clean, well-lit area. Wash your hands thoroughly and put on a pair of disposable gloves to minimize the risk of contamination.

What's in the box Each Parvo Test Kit includes five test cassettes, swabs, and feces collection tubes. Everything is carefully sealed for your safety and to preserve the integrity of the test. The test kit can be stored for over a year at room temperature, so it's always ready when you need it.


  1. Collect the sample: Using the provided collection tube and swab, collect a fecal sample from your dog. Be sure to collect samples that are as fresh as possible for the most accurate results.

  2. Prepare the test: Open the foil pouch and remove the test cassette. Be careful not to touch the test window in the middle of the cassette.

  3. Apply the sample: Apply the fecal sample on the test cassette using the swab.

  4. Wait for the results: The test should take between 10-15 minutes to process.

Reading the results

Your test cassette has a control line (C) and a test line (T).

  • If only the control line (C) appears, the test is negative.
  • If both the control line (C) and test line (T) appear, the test is positive, indicating a parvovirus infection.
  • If no lines appear, or only the test line (T) appears, the test is invalid. Try again with a new test cassette.

Interpreting the results Positive results are a reliable indicator of parvovirus infection, especially when associated with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and dehydration. If your dog tests positive, contact your vet immediately.

Negative results may occur even when the dog is infected if the level of virus in the sample is low. If your dog continues to display symptoms, you should repeat the test or consult your vet.

Precautions This test should only be used for dogs displaying symptoms of parvovirus infection. Remember that recent vaccination (within 7 days) with a modified-live virus parvovirus vaccine can occasionally result in false positive ELISA test results.

After the test Dispose of the used test kit and gloves properly. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after conducting the test.

I brought these in so you can quickly test for peace of mind. Though sick puppies can get much sicker very quickly.  Please don't wait to seek veterinary care


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