
Semen: Fresh, chilled, or frozen, which should you use and why?

Semen: Fresh, chilled, or frozen, which should you use and why?

When thinking about semen and how to breed our dogs we have three options; fresh, chilled, and frozen. They each have their place and offer benefits to a well rounded breeding program.  Fresh semen is just that, it’s fresh, straight from the source with nothing mixed into it. It gives the highest conception rates with a high margin for error due to the long survival time in the female's reproductive tract. It also comes at the lowest cost when compared to chilled and frozen. Fresh is perfect, but, there is a down side as with anything. Fresh semen can not...

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Ovulation Timing

Ovulation Timing

Sometimes we only get one chance at a breeding, other times we have the flexibility to try again if it doesn't work out. In either case having a successful breeding can make a huge impact on a breeding program. Many things are at play when it comes to the success of a breeding, in this post we will talk about proper ovulation timing.  Before we can pinpoint ovulation we should know what hormones are at play in the process. First we have estrogen, this hormone is vital for preparing the reproductive tract for breeding as it thickens the membranes in...

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Let's Talk Incubators

incubator oxygen

Let's Talk Incubators

Let’s talk Incubators If you’ve ever had a problem litter you may already be familiar with incubators used for intensive care. While this is what many people think of first, incubators can be a very useful addition to a breeder’s tool-kit as they provide a controlled environment in which to keep puppies and kittens warm. There are several situations where one may want to use an incubator on new puppies or kittens: 1. to help to dry them off or out of the way during a whelp; 2.  To keep warm after a c-section while your dam is still a...

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Mastitis – Prevention and Treatment

Mastitis – Prevention and Treatment

Mastitis – Prevention and Treatment Mastitis is a bacterial infection of the mammary glands. Breeders need to monitor their dam closely after whelp as mastitis can become very serious in only a few hours. Detected and treated early, many cases of mastitis resolve quickly and without veterinary treatment. Get into the habit of examining and running your hands down her breasts several times each day checking for redness, heat, hardness or sores. All of these could be indicators of mastitis. Avoiding Mastitis Monitor how much milk your mother dog is producing. Feed her enough to keep her milk supply appropriate...

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Let's Talk Temperature

Let's Talk Temperature

Managing and Monitoring Temperature for Your Puppies We all know that temperature gets discussed with whelping and puppies a lot. Temperature drops in your bitch prior to whelping, keep the puppies at the "right" temperature, does your puppy have a fever.... Let's take an opportunity to discuss rectal body temperature and room temperature for your puppies first 2 months. Why is My Newborn Puppy So Cold? Something we have to really be attentive to is hypothermia, or low body temperature. During the process of drying off the puppies, whether we do it with a towel or whether Mom does it...

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